Industrial training is the training conducted by all students in Busitema university Arapai campus which include DAP, CGA, DCP, BSA and APM.
I conducted my industrial training in Kasaija stock farm which is located at Kolonyi zone Nakaloke town council in Mbale district.
The internship started on 28th /02/2022 and ended on 06th /05/2022 at Kasajja stock farm.
During the training, it began with orientation of the students in and around the organization and working environment which include managers, farm land, farmers and introduction of the staff.
The technical personnel of Kasajja stock farm practically guided me to better understanding of my classroom work with regard to my course. These tasks included the following;
Dipping cattle with acaricide called cypermathrine in concentration of 6400 litres of water to 12800ml of acaricide, dehorning and debuding of calf horns, deworming with albendazole orally.
Routine and daily management practices like milking, cleaning calf pen and feed calf by bucket feeding, feeding animals in zero grazing and cleaning milking pallor.
Fish pond management practices and fish sampling, community outreach and crop management Practices. However, during the training I faced some challenges like stress due to new environment, high cost of living, long distances and weather challenges.
In conclusion, despite of the challenge e industrial training was successfully accomplished and I was motivated, my future career and attitude towards agriculture have improved to a greater extent due to practical skills (hands-on) that were acquired.
I do recommend that dipping of animals should be regularly done within two weeks interval because of tick borne diseases that cause diseases of veterinary importance.
In addition, the farm should at least establish pasture legumes and supplement animals with diary meal in order to increase milk yields per annum.