This report -indicates the period spent in internship which was carried out from 20th May to 26th July, 2019 at Rubona Stock Farm. This report has chapter one which clearly explains the following: field attachment program and background internship objectives, back ground of RSF which is under the ministry of agriculture animal industry and fisheries (MAAlF)and is managed by National Animal Genetic Research Centre and Data bank (NAGRC & DB) which mandate of improving the animal genetics through breeding and embryo transfer, and the history, relevance of RSF to the community around the category of workers at RSF, challenges faced by RSF, future prospect of RSF and the organization structure of the farm.
This report consists of chapter two which describes the activities done at Rubona Stock Farm, These activities include: hand milking, stripping, hoof trimming, repairing of the farm structures castration, deworming, dehorning, Silage making and routine management practices such as ear tagging, dipping cows and bucket feeding and pasture management which was done through weeding and slashing unpalatable shrubs and toxic plants, .and spraying of goats for control parasites; pregnancy diagnosis, record keeping, ear tagging, identification, treatment, control and prevention for instance diseases such as diarrhea, scours, ECF,PPR, mastitis, eye blindness,3 day Sickness and others as referred to animal diseases ahead.
In the same report. There is chapter three which clearly indicates the impacts of the attachment and that is; The skills and qualifications I gained during the course of mi attachment, duties and responsibilities I undertaken during the attachment period, Influence of the attachment on my future career plan, correlation of the attachment activities with theoretical class knowledge, things I enjoyed most things I enjoyed least, problems I encountered and finally solution to the problems.
The report also consists of' chapter four which includes the conclusions and recommendations of the internship attachment, appendices which the photos of each activity curried at IRRF and pictures of structure at RSF, work time table and schedule activities and tables. It’s in the same section where we find the references where I refer my report.