This industrial training report was carried out at Buac farm, located 10 kilometers away from Soroti city along Soroti Moroto high way in Soroti district from 28th February 20 to 22nd April 2022.1n this industrial training I was attached to 10 sections both animal and crop which included cattle, small ruminants, dairy, piggery (animal department) and banana, orchard and mushroom, green house, and maize section. The main objectives of the training was to equip students with basic practical skills while relating with the theoretical classroom knowledge learned. The source of the information was the field assistants while in the field, visual observation in the field and face to face interactions with other fellow internship students in the same field. The report comprises of four chapters which include chapter one comprising of the background, location, mission, vision, mandate objectives and organizational structure, chapter two contains activities carried out in the field which included field marking, spraying, weeding, restraining, manuring, feed collection, chaff cutting, disbudding, castration, grafting, drug administration etc. Chapter three contains the skills and qualifications attained, responsibilities undertaken, challenges encountered, influence of the attachment on my future career and correlation of the attachment to the classroom knowledge learned. chapter four contains the conclusions and recommendations. The following skills were gained during the I.T, land marking skill to enable row planting and correct plant population, skill of drug administration and the skill of aging in goats etc., however some challenges were encountered during the course of the attachment e.g. scorching sunshine which hindered effective practicals, lack of team work by some students, lack of some sections at the farm, the chaff cutter was too heavy to be rotated manually by students while cutting the chaff. ln conclusion, I.T was educative, equipped me with practical skills which further made it more efficient successfully carried lastly J would like to recommend the Buac administration to implement the use of mechanical power to rotate the chaff cutter for faster and quality chaff cutting which will be more palatable to the dairy animals.