The industrial training was carried out at Soroti Veterinary office in Soroti district local government starting from 21st may to 25th July 2018 for a period of 10 weeks. This industrial report details out information on the background, location, economy, climate, vegetation, ethnicity, administration and the organization structure of the organization. It also describes the activities carried out during the internship in three sections of; Office, Field and Abattoir. In the office, I attended and guided farmers on animal management and Vaccination of dogs. In the abattoir value addition and public health (Meat inspection) methods were done that included; observation, palpation and incision and this aimed to ensure public consumption of healthy meat and prevention of the spread of zoonotic diseases. In the field, we diagnosed and treated various diseases both in animal and poultry birds that include E.C.F, Anaplasmosis, and Pullorum, tick fever, vaccination of NCD, Gumboro, CCPP, CBPP, PPR, and Rabies all were done. We also engaged in management practices like sanitation, ear tagging to ease identification, spraying to control external parasites, deworming to control internal parasites, A.I to improve on the breeds, construction of slated house; Silage making, farmer visits and training farmers on animal management under OWC and NUSAF3 to improve on production. However, I gained skills on disease diagnosis, treatment, addressing public problems as in relation to management of animals but some challenges were also encountered and so this, has prompted me to come up with some recommendations and conclusions to address the problems the veterinary department.