This report contains information that was compiled during my industrial training at green land integrated farm (GIFA). The report contains four chapters and the preliminary pages in which chapter One contains a brief introduction and background of GIFA, vision, mission, objectives of GIFA, description of the attachment and the available enterprises at GIFA, Chapter two contains the description of the attachment, chapter three of this report contains the impacts of my attachment during the training period and the other chapter four has gotten the conclusion from where certain information was gotten.
Busitema university, Arapai campus was able to attach me to GIFA where I was able to do my training particularly compared to the theoretical aspect instilled during the lecture period at the university.
GIFA majorly deals with annual crops production and management, fruit production and management for example citrus, mangoes, cashewnuts etc. GIFA also carries out vegetable growing and management for onions, egg plants, tomatoes etc.; in which my training was based on the management practices such as spraying, irrigation/watering, thinning, pruning especially fruit trees and seedlings, hardening off bedded nurseries, seed bed preparation and transplanting.
Finally, GIFA was able to allocate me on the supply program of the improved seedlings of citrus and mangoes to be: supplied to the sub counties.