This report contains and describes the activities carried out, skills and qualifications gained, challenges faced during the training, conclusion of the report and recommendations derived at BugiZARDI in Bulambuli district under NARO. The objective of this training is to help students gain skills and knowledge from the field and build confidence in them. This was followed by orientation where I was introduced to BUGIZARDI and later implemented activities like visiting the organization in preparation of the industrial training by meeting with the supervisors to guide on how to carry out the training and orientation, conducting training in various enterprises like, banana, field peas, and potatoes, among others. Above all, the industrial training was successfully done because I gained skill since our supervisors were friendly and willing to train us. In addition, during this training, I also faced some challenges that included unfavorable weather like heavy rains that disrupted the road network; this can be solved by combining efforts with the government to promote an adequate road network for better communication within the area and district at large.