The industrial training report is a combination of all the activities undertaken during the industrial training period in Kabei sub county Bukwo district local Government. Bukwo district is one of the districts in eastern Uganda; it’s bordered by Kenya to the east, Mount Elgon National Park to the south, Amudat district to the north and Kween district to the west. The most predominant tribe are the Sabinys who do practice livestock rearing and cultivating of crops. During my IT I was attached to the production sector under the supervision of AO and I was introduced to many activities among which sensitization of farmers about coffee, bananas, data collection, nursery bed establishment, management and site selection, distribution of seeds to the farmers in the sub-county transplanting of onions soil and water conservation weeding, control of pests and diseases in coffee and other crop fields. Monitoring of the distributed technologies which were distributed to the farmers which I gained more of the skills among of which were pest and disease diagnosis, identification of some of the pesticides to be applied to the plants affected, some of the problems faced by the farmers during post harvesting and farmer trainings and evaluation of the distributed technologies. Thus the IT has made me to relate class work to practical field. However, there were some challenges, the area was hilly which made movement hard, some farmers wanted facilitation before attending trainings, some farmers were so conservative and also the transport system was so poor. Recommendations’ local council ones should sensitize their people on importance of production trainings, construction of durable working roads to ease access too hard to reach area to ensure uniform technology adoption in the s/c.