This field attachment report is made up of four explicitly presented chapters. Allow me on
this particular page just give you a small pinch of what will quench your already aroused
curiosity. In chapter one I present the background to the field attachment. In this I present the
introduction to field attachment, the definition of field attachment, the background of Glad
Flight Tours and Travel Ltd, the core values, mission, vision, purpose of the field attachment.
Chapter two includes the methods and materials I used in the field to achieve the objectives
0f my internship
Chapter three includes the presentation of the results and discussions that I achieved from the
chapter four, it includes the skills attained by the student and how relevant they are towards
the professional growth, also includes details of the student’s experience. Evaluation of the
strength and weaknesses of Glad flight tours and travel in relation to the professional growth.
Furthermore, it contains other activities assigned to the student by the field supervise, also
level of accomplishment and the relevance of the activities to the student’s professional