The study looked at the productivity and profitability of urban goat farming in Lugazi municipality in Buikwe district. All the respondents in the survey were selected purposively in that only those that carried out goat farming from all the three divisions that is Najjembe, Kawolo and Lugazi central division. Findings of the research revealed that males dominated goat farming and these were people aged 44 years on average and married. Majority of them obtained their income from off farming work. It was reported that the primary purpose for rearing goats was for cash sale. The major type of goats kept was local that is MUB, SEA and the KIG and a few with Boers and Crosses. Farmers reported that they preferably kept local breeds because of cost and manageability. The most used management systems for goats were semi intensive and tethering where feeding and housing were properly done. Challenges reported by farmers regarding the use of the management systems were feed shortage, theft and predator attack and diseases. Results revealed that goat farming was a profitable business with a gross profit margin of 89% but this was also attributed to the number of goats kept by a particular farmer. This was nevertheless constrained by low prices offered by buyers, lack of market information and poor breeds kept by the farmers.