The main aim of this study was to analyze the profitability of bee keeping on household income among farmers in Nawanyago town council, Kamuli District. The objectives of the study were to; determine the factors that influence the profitability of bee keeping; determine the profitability of bee keeping; and: to evaluate the challenges faced by bee farmers. The study adopted both descriptive and cross-sectional research designs with both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. The study sample was 80 bee farmers which were randomly and purposely selected. The results indicated that; most of the farmers were females (52.5%); 35% had at least attained tertiary education; farming was the major economic activity (40%) and 50 years and above was the prominent age group. Honey, bees wax and propolis were the major products sold by farmers. Profitability analysis indicated that the average profit was 1,859,443UGX; and: average net profit margin was 78.6%. The major problem that was faced by farmers was poor transport facilities since farmers were facing difficulties in delivering honey and other bee products to market centers.