Industrial training report carried out at St. Paul’s college Mbale farm located in Mbale cell Namakwekwe ward northern division Mbale municipality in Mbale city

Show simple item record Nairuba, Daphine 2023-09-27T06:12:12Z 2023-09-27T06:12:12Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation Nairuba, D. (2022). Industrial training report carried out at St. Paul’s college Mbale farm located in Mbale cell Namakwekwe ward northern division Mbale municipality in Mbale city. Busitema University. en_US
dc.description Industrial training report en_US
dc.description.abstract The report involves and describes the activities carried out, skills gained and challenges faced during the training, conclusions of the report and recommendations derived from the challenges faced during the attachment at SPCMF The objective of this IT was to make the students benefit from the practical skills gained from the field during the attachment. Another objective was to acquire practical skills in the field to boost the theoretical knowledge gained from class, to know how to propagate bananas, to get exposed to different organizations such as research centers and animal farms and to know how nursery management is carried out. During industrial training at SPCMF for eight weeks, the main activities carried out were planting of bananas, harvesting coffee, harvesting tomatoes, weeding of cabbages, coffee staking, making of silage for animals, mixing of chemicals and spraying of coffee. The industrial training program was relevant and applicable as I was able to apply class room knowledge into practical in the field. The supervisors were helpful by giving us the knowledge and skills which we needed. Throughout the IT period, I learnt a lot of good work ethics such as team work, cooperation, self-motivation and supervision, respect for fellow workers and hard work which will be very vital for in future as an employee in any organization. Conclusively my industrial training was successfully conducted with lots of skills and knowledge gained in relation to classroom work. Such knowledge and skills included; hard work, putting theory into practical for example nursery bed preparation, good relationship among fellow workers which all prepared me for job market. During IT period I observed that SPCMF didn’t have enough equipment such as hoes, few projects which limited learning to very few such as bananas, tomatoes, coffee, cabbage and beans. There is also too much shade around the green house which affect the growth of vegetables resulting into poor yields. There is also poor road network. I therefore recommend that SPCMF to improve on infrastructure such as buildings, roads Purchase of watering cans for providing enough water to the vegetables. Pruning should be done on the trees around the green house to reduce the shade which affects vegetables. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Busitema University en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Busitema University en_US
dc.subject Industrial training en_US
dc.title Industrial training report carried out at St. Paul’s college Mbale farm located in Mbale cell Namakwekwe ward northern division Mbale municipality in Mbale city en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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