The occupational training that was supervised and conducted at BugiZARDI. The exercise was done in a range of sections which comprised of maize, beans, cattle, agroforestry (coffee and eucalyptus), rice and sorghum.
I was actively involved in day to day activities during the training period and I was in position to acquire several skills in the above mentioned sections e.g., the skills acquired included; the science behind breeding of maize i.e. silk bagging and tassel bagging before bearing of flowers.
I gained skills of cloning of coffee and eucalyptus as raised in a green house where I used stem cuttings for coffee and eucalyptus with a rooting hormone.
I was able to learn and do the different cattle management practices like spraying, identifying different varieties of beans like Nabe, maize like bazooka, the sweet potatoes like dimbuka Despite BugiZARDI being passionate in crop production, agroforestry, and livestock, the institute is surrounded by number of challenges, poor control measures of pests and diseases which attack crops like army worms. Therefore there is need for more research and recommendations on how to control the pests and diseases by studying the different life cycles of army worm and other related pests and diseases in Ikulwe farm station.