The internship was carried out at Maikut farm group limited Kapchorwa under different sections that is to say banana plantation section, orchard section, horticulture section like oliriculture (onion production, cabbage production) and pomology (passion fruit production), coffee section, wheat section, apiary section, agroforestry section, animal section (goats and freshian cows), maize plantation section and irrigation system. At the training there were different methods of getting information like discussion, library visit and internet, it was done to develop students understanding of work ethics, that exposes them to functioning of decentralizing and a lot of skills and knowledge were gained. This report has preliminary pages, four chapters and appendices where by chapter one is the introduction and it explains the background of Maikut, Location, Vision, Mission, and Achievements, Collaboration, Objectives, and Maikut farm organizational structure. Chapter two highlights the background or introduction of different crops, importance, ecological requirements, agronomy, and diseases in table form and activities carried out. Chapter three explains about the impact of attachment, skills and qualifications gained, responsibilities held, influence of attachment to my future career and correlation of attachment with class room knowledge and challenges. Chapter four contains the conclusions, recommendations, references and appendices.