Most of the time individuals or companies ship luggage from overseas to their native
countries. Most of the luggage is put in a container which is normally transported at the
back of a trailer to its destination place in their country. Some of the containers have
fallen off the back of a trailer destroying the property inside, killing people outside,
damaging the road among many other losses that happen. The driver of the trailer does
not intend for this to happen but due to lack of a real time monitoring system of the
container locks such accidents which would be avoided are still happening. This project
was therefore designed to come up with a real time monitoring system that reports the
status of the trailer container lock at all times. Since most of these containers fall off
without proper knowledge of thc driver this system solves that problem. It is specific
on a trailer that is carrying one container with four locks. This projects looks at two
scenarios before the Trailer has started and after it has started and it is moving. Before
the Trailer can start if all the trailer locks are locked then the Trailer will start, if any of
the locks are open a buzzer is sounded then the specific locks which are opened are
displayed on the screen, the Trailer will not start. When the Trailer has started and any
of the locks are opened a buzzer is sounded then the specific locks which are opened
are displayed on the screen, the Trailer keeps moving without switching off the engine.
This report is arranged in six chapters Chapter one having Introduction about the
project, Problem statement, Objectives (General and Specific), Justification, Scope
(content and time), Chapter Two having the li terature review having anal ysis of existing
systems and their weaknesses, Chapter Three consists of the methodology of the
project. The methodology includes Requirements gathering methods, requirements
analysis, and system design, implementation of the design and testing, Chapter Four is
made up of the system analysis and design. This involves functional and requirements
analysis along with the system design which has diagrammatic representations of the
system in form of the flowchart and Schematic diagram, Chapter Five is titled
implementation and testing, this involves the details on how the prototype was
implemented using the various development environments interlinked, and how the
prototype was tested and validated to ensure optimal performance and accuracy.
Chapter Six tables down the discussions, summary of the work done in developing the
system, critical