At the end of all meetings and other sessions in conference halls or rooms, it is the desire
of managers to ensure that power is not wasted in these rooms. In this effort therefore many
activities happen which need attention by workers and managers. Currently managers put
workers to switch on bulbs and then fans/ACs are turned on when temperatures are high.
This project involved the development of a smart power management system that can be
installed in the room to help minimize on electricity bills by reducing on consumption of
power automatically. When somebody enters into the room then the counter is incremented
by one and the light in the room will be switched ON and when any one leaves the room
then the counter is decremented by one. The system detects the number of people entering
and leaving the hall/room, detects the light intensity and then turns on or off light bulbs
according to the number of people in side. It also detects the temperatures and switches on
or off fans/ACs according to temperatures and number of people. Finally, the system
displays the temperatures and number of people in the hall/room on the liquid crystal display