This report comprises of five- chapters; Chapter one presents background to worldwide pineapple growth and juice production and consumption with specific emphasis on Uganda's progress in pineapple production and value addition activities in processing industry. The problem considered in this study is presented in the problem statement and the justification, objectives and scope of the study are also presented.
Chapter two discusses literature review in relation to the objectives of this study, the methods and procedures that will be followed in order to with the design of the details of the various. aspects involved in pineapple juice production with emphasis on. the: aspect of pineapple juice extraction; different extraction: methods and the operation of the existing extractors.
Chapter three shows the methods through which the manually operated pineapple juice extractor was obtained.
The proposed fabrication and performance evaluation methods of the prototype were also included.
The project schedule and estimated budget for the design is also included.
Chapter four focuses on the results and discussion of the design and construction of a manually operated pineapple juice extractor for example the performance evaluation of the machine using parameters like. extraction efficiency, this also has got the economic evaluation.
Chapter five outlines some of the challenges' faced throughout this study Whilst clearly showing the several recommendations that should be adopted by the. Several -stakeholders to ensure sustainability and higher efficiency of the- manually operated pineapple juice extractor. It as well states the designer's conclusion of the entire study.