Fish tank is a container which is used by fish farmers to rear fish, it can be either a plastic, metallic container or constructed with concrete. Aquaculture in Uganda is increasing due to its great benefits in terms of its products namely fish which is source of food and it being highly profitable which increases the country's economy as compared to other Agricultural practices like poultry keeping among others. However, aquaculture is normally done in places near water bodies like wetlands, lakes, rivers among others. This restrict interested farmers who leave in places without water bodies to carry out this activity therefore some farmers started carrying out aquaculture in tanks to act as water body. With this method, these farmers face a challenge of solid waste accumulation which is as a result of uneaten fish feeds, dead animals in the tank and the. solid particles in. water. currently farmer they don't have any method they use to detect solid waste accumulation and its removal in these tanks. When solid waste accumulates it decompose and consume the oxygen which is needed by the fish which leads to death of The fish. It decomposition also produces gases which are harmful to fish. Thus death -of the fish in the fish tank This led to decrease in the country's economy and losses. to the fish farmers. Therefore, am introducing an automatic fish- tank which will detect- the presence of solid waste accumulation and its removal automatically in order to help fish farmers to solve this problem. In this system, the Light. Dependent Resistor sensor is used to detect solid waste accumulation, servo motors are used to control the open and closing of the two taps one. for disposing dirt water and another to introduce clean water in the fish tank after disposing dirt water. Servo motors also controls the opening and closing of the exit from one fish tank and entrance to another fish tank, bulbs. are used to provide light in the two tanks, ultrasonic sensor used to measure water level in the tank and buzzer to produce predator sound, this system will reduce the increasing losses in Agriculture mainly from the aquaculture sector.