Ground water is the safest source of water and' most relied on water source in most rural settings of Uganda. The potential for ground water contamination to occur-is affected by the physical characteristics 'of the area, the chemical nature of the pollutant, the rate frequency and the method of application,
This Report presents a standardized system which incorporates physical characteristics of any area into a methodology which can be used ‘to, evaluate the ground water pollution potential of any hydro geologic setting.
'The system bas, been designed to use existing information which, is available from a variety of sources. Information on the parameters including the depth to water in an area, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, general topography or slope" vadose zone media, and hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer is necessary to evaluate the ground water pollution potential" of any area,
'This report entails the way in which a multi-criterion approach of weighting factors ways applied and' Rating and Ranking which were used to come 'up 'with the Groundwater Vulnerability map of Kira and Goma sub counties where Namanve. lies. Final outcome discussed in this, report is the vulnerability map of Kira-Goma sub counties