This project was aimed at solving dangers and health risks which come along with the immense problem. of accumulation of silt and small rock debris in borehole. casings due to a number of causes which can he natural or due 1.0 human/engineering errors during construction and usage of the hand pumped boreholes silt presents a: number of challenges to ground water abstraction, and its study and mitigation, has not been keenly looked at due to lack of information about its existence. Bearing in mind that ground water resources contribute a great percentage to the amount of water available to people in rural areas for domestic use and small-scale irrigation, a deeper look at problems associated with ground water abstraction and a wider analysis, of' information available about ground water is of great importance. Relevant design of this silt removal tool has then been looked at in this project 'arid necessary formulae and appropriate dimensioning measurements, have been looked at in this project to come up with a comprehensive design of the silt removal tool.