Jack fruit (Artorcarpus Heterophyllus Lam), a member of Family Moraceae is a popular fruit. Of the tropics widely cultivated in India and its neighbouring countries as well as in parts of Africa. The literature review discusses the convectional water treatment processes with: more emphasis on coagulation-flocculation process, different coagulants both natural and chemicals Jack fruit seeds as a natural coagulant is also discussed, physiochemical quality of treated water, extraction process of its seeds.
Jack fruit seeds contain various properties that are useful in medicinal field for example antimicrobial properties and buffering capacity (Ferreira et al., 2008; Dalen et. al.,2010). These factors are useful contributors for remediation of raw water by removing microbes, suspended
matters arid high turbidity in water (Geldof et al., 2002).
Coagulation and flocculation process are physical-chemical methods that widely used in the treatment of raw water. Today the prime concern of the environmental engineers is how to lower the coagulants and flocculants cost and to improve the characteristics of the produced water. In this work, it is tried to use jack fruit seed powder as a natural coagulant.
The literature review briefly gives the, general over view of Raw water treatment processes. Relevant scientific study on -coagulation as a whore, it also shows information about different types of coagulants used in raw water treatment both natural and artificial coagulant, dearly pointing out their applications, and their advantages. It focuses On literature on application of if powder as a coagulant and its cost effectiveness in relation to other coagulants.
The set of literature reviewed is mainly guided by the problem statement and objectives of the study, the methods used to: collect data which involves oral interviews, consultations, laboratory water quality tests which include tests for different parameters like PH, turbidity, color and conductivity, jar test, and using distilled water for extraction. By the end of this research, a low- cost and renewable coagulant for the treatment of raw water-treatment will be. Developed, once this project is implemented, the following benefits are expected; reducing the turbidity of water to conform to WHO arid UNBS Water quality standards using a natural and low east coagulant, also there will be reduction in micro-organisms.