The Police Barracks of Nsambya in Kampala, currently has a faulty wastewater collection system. Untreated wastewater is seen over flowing through defective joints and manholes and carried by the storm channels (Nakivubo channel) into Lake Victoria. This creates many potential health, environmental, and social risks for the city. The city is in need of a plan to deal with its wastewater. The following project-proposal presents a conceptual design for a wastewater collection system of Nsambya police Barracks. Such a design can serve as a model that can be implemented to the other sections of the city. The design of this, collection system involved quantifying the wastewater and determining peak discharge" the design concept simulation of the sewage system and economic evaluation of the system. A conventional gravity collection system will be designed based 'on the conclusion that for the city of Kampala, a uniform, consistent, simple collection system would be the most appropriate.