Examination malpractice is a problem in most parts of the world and a serious problem in African counties like Uganda, Kenyan Tanzania and so many more countries. Examination leakages is an example of such actions- that threaten the integrity of examinations and damage the authority of those responsible for conducting them. This means the content of the examination or part of it is disclosed prior to taking the examination
My main scope is Uganda and. the most critical examinations are the national examinations that arc done at every end of a level i.e., Primary leaving examinations at the end of the primary level, Uganda certificate of education examinations done at the end of ordinary level of secondary school and Uganda Advanced certificate of education examinations that is done at the end of advanced level of secondary school.
I focused on protection of examination boxes in which the exams are packaged and transported. The current way of transportation and protection is done by using two padlocks of which the keys are distributed to the Area supervisor and the Scout who are chosen by the examination body. The security personnel are in charge of the safety of the room where the boxes are stored. Detail is in Chapter 1.
My system is designed to automate the current structure and the process by using keypad to provide authentication to open the examination boxes at the right time and also time is set to lock the examination boxes after examination packages have been removed. Time can be set by the administrator and only him or her can do this.
I used interviews and questionnaires to collect data.
Though faced a lot of short comings like limited time, limited expertise on hardware setup and more is detailed in chapter 6 plus the recommendations; further areas of study, conclusion and references of the sources of some information.