As the population of the campus continues to increase, the demand on water resources will increase and, as well as the increase in the domestic waste water production hence calling for need ,to have proper and safe disposal of the waste generated in environmentally friendly way Men and women with knowledge of water resources and environmental management will be called upon to find the solution to this pending crisis, As long as Busitema University population is materially increasing, demand for efficient disposal of wastes will also increase. Unless the university devotes some of her resources and efforts to planning for the disposal of the increasing volumes of human wastes the problem of environmental pollution and disease outbreaks is bound to arise.
Therefore, the. Purpose of this design once implemented is to, ensure improved sanitation situation at the campus discharging effluent into the receiving environment of required National Standards since the tested quality parameters showed poor discharge requirements hence avoiding legal battles, with environment protection agencies such as NEMA
The design is basically natural treatment plant depending on biological process feeding on the organic content of the waste water; The waste water is transported to treatment plant through gravity flow sewers, from source. points with clean chambers, at specific points, the consists or our cells (units), in series. The design is mainly for handling the peak daily domestic waste water generated from the campus for, a period of thirty years. The total daily peak design flow by a population of 9781 people is 515168.0288L/day requiring total area of 1611m2 of land. The plant hydraulic detention period is 30 days for adequate treatment. The design of the lagoon, and sewer line was successful completed, to perform to the standards recommended for environmental impact assessment of the project pending its implementation in the locality