Hospital waste water is water generated from all activities both medical and non-medical from the operating, emergency & first aid, diagnosis, radiology, kitchen and laundry activities. Hospital wastewaters are loaded with pathogenic microorganisms, laboratory and pharmaceutical residuals, pharmaceutical partially metabolized, radioactive elements and other toxic chemical substances. Iganga main hospitals waste water is discharged to the NWSC lagoon for the municipality and finally into the wetland.
This has led to wastage hence posing stress on the current water sources and also high expenditure incurred in extracting this water from underground. Basing also on the discharge from the hospital, it poses a threat of pollution pay principle. The waste water from the hospital was quantified and characterized to and in designing the appropriate treatment system. Design and sizing of various components of the medical waste water recycling system facultative lagoon, rectangular slow sand filter, clear water tank, storage tank, pump, pipes and chlorination unit was done using the given relevant formulas and equations. From the research (field visits), medical waste water being generated was averaged at 73965 litters per day. The waste water being discharged showed poor physical chemical and biological characteristics hence need for treatment before reuse. An economic evaluation of the system was done using benefit cost ratio which was 1.28 and the Net present value approach were it was greater than zero. This meant the project was feasible and thus should be implemented to reduce on the costs incurred.