This report is about the, chronological order and the nomenclature which was followed when designing the Air Pollution Monitoring and alert system. The whole process Involved identification of the topic to be-discussed which led to the formulation of the problem statement. This is succinctly elaborated in chapter one of the report. The literature of the related work was reviewed as well shown in chapter two. It involved gathering of the information relevant to the design of the system. The methodology taken was also clearly elucidated in the preceding chapter three involving thorough explanation on the: analysis of the data. The fourth chapter explains clearly the analysis of the system design, and gives detailed, explanation on the ways through which data, was manipulated. The fifth chapter succinctly explains the implementation and testing of the project The last chapter gives the recommendations and challenges faced during the entire process of designing the system.
The air pollution monitoring .and alert system is the system designed to monitor the sampled air toxic gases like carbon monoxide, methane and butane. The system consists of a remote sensor system comprising of the LCD for display. This is meant to collect the different gases of interest. It also has the monitoring enter consisting of a user interface designed in the Lab VIEW graphical programing language. This software extracts the data sent to it by the. GSM modem and depicts it in form of graphical representation which helps in determining the level of the gases. This software is also endowed with cool functionalities like data retrieval and generation of the report to be used by the concerned authority.