Blood is an indispensable element of human life and there are no replacements' for it World Health Organization (WHO) proposes countries to focus on young people to achieve 100%'·non-remunerated voluntary blood donation by 2020.Donated blood can be life-saving for individuals who have lost large volumes of blood from serious circumstances, obstetric and gynaecological haemorrhages or surgery and stem 'cell transplant patients as well as for individuals who have symptomatic anaemia from medical or hematologic conditions, Blood banks have a duty to provide adequate and safe blood to the community. Emergency crisis such as an accident where there is a need for rare blood types or shortage of blood where. the hospital has-to reach a mass number of donors and have no means of doing so are the dilemma we want to solve through our application, any Reorganized Blood fusion center Gail register in the system so that they can get blood delivery in case of shortage. The tools used in the. project development is PBP, MYSQL and HTML. The developed system addresses the major gaps that have been existing in connectivity and interaction: between blood. banks and hospitals.