An industrial attachment report carried out from Teso college Aloet school farm

Show simple item record Nalukwata, Bridget 2023-03-20T07:58:26Z 2023-03-20T07:58:26Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Nalukwata, B. (2019). An industrial attachment report carried out from Teso college Aloet school farm. Busitema University en_US
dc.description Industrial training report en_US
dc.description.abstract This report contains data that was collected from the industrial training period carried out from 20th may 2019 to 26th July 2019 in Teso college Aloet school farm. Chapter one contains the setup of Teso College Aloet, brief history and the introductory part. Chapter two describes the activities that I carried in Teso College Aloet school farm; castration in piggery, poultry management, feed formulation, disease diagnosis and treatment, drug administration, paddocking, meat inspection, forest establishment and management, crop establishment and management in horticulture e.g. tomatoes, cabbage, nursery bed preparation and harvesting of horticultural produce. Chapter three gives the description of the skills gained from the industrial attachment; disease diagnosis and treatment, meat inspection, castration of pigs, feed formulation, poultry management, forest establishment and management, mango planting and management, and nursery bed preparation. It also points out some challenges that I faced during that period e.g. confrontation by other staff members. However, it also points out the mythologies used in collecting data. Chapter four contains the conclusion and recommendations basing on the things I have put to be placed forward in order to make learning smoother. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Mr. Ekallo Kenneth, Busitema University en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Busitema University en_US
dc.subject Industrial attachment en_US
dc.subject Industrial training en_US
dc.subject Poultry management en_US
dc.subject Horticulture en_US
dc.subject Nursery bed preparation en_US
dc.title An industrial attachment report carried out from Teso college Aloet school farm en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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