Energy Storage systems in power plants are critical to achieving global renewable energy target, and pump storage systems are one of them. This final year project introduces decision support tools that were designed to enhance the efficiency, profitability and sustainability.
The study aimed at addressing system operators, decision making in optimal sizing and operation. The decision support tools developed were for optimization of the design of pumped storage hydropower plants, a tool for real time demand forecasting and a tool for optimizing the pump storage hydropower plant’s operation. Through research and development, this project achieved the optimal design out puts enabling precise sizing and configuration of pump storage hydropower plant components. It also provided real time demand forecasting allowing operators to anticipate fluctuations with remarkable accuracy.
Additionally, the decision support tools provided both pumping and generation schedules for PSH. The tools were developed using MATLAB software and the genetic algorithm which was embedded in the software for optimization.
Key words: MATLAB, Genetic Algorithm, Pump Storage Systems, Optimization, Energy Storage.