NASPOT8 has had a great importance on food security considerations in kakoro sub-county due to high yields obtained which have made the area into food security. This has seen gradual increased in levels of income, especially in terms quantity of the NASPOT8 yields. Farmers engage in alternative income generating activities such as rearing animals, growing of cassava, maize among other crops in order to meet the other needs of fees, clothing. Majority of the farmers are aware of the improved NASPOT8 and their benefits on the livelihood of farmers as well as the nutritional value. The expansion of cultivation of NASPOT8 has boosted peoples’ livelihood in the area of study. Famers are quickly adopting NASPOT8 due to it being high yielding and early maturing as compared to the local sweet potato varieties in kakoro sub county. Moreover, the formation of farmers’ out growers’ association sentitles farmers to benefits such as credit services.