The survey was carried out in Nabitende sub county, Iganga district to assess the impact of veterinary services in animal production in the sub county. Data was collected in the January and February 2019 by use of questionnaire and observation technique, the collected data was coded and finally fed in the SPSS package for analysis. The results showed that farmers in the sub county don’t value Veterinary services so much. Majority of the farmers interviewed utilize the services while the remaining percentage does not comply with the available Veterinary services in the sub county. It was noted there are still many problems hindering the efficient utilization of veterinary services in the sub county for example: an efficient utilization of veterinary services, Limited access to veterinary inputs, to improve on farmers’ adoption to the use of veterinary of services in the sub county in The sub county, it’s recommended to carry out more veterinary training workshops and also increase the number of veterinary service providers in the sub county.